Moving Away From <details-dialog>

This guide will show you how to upgrade from the now deprecated <details-dialog> element to the latest Primer::Alpha::Dialog component.

Migrating from <details-dialog> to Primer::Alpha::Dialog

details-dialog uses the details and summary elements to render a dialog. This is different than the Primer Dialog component that uses a container with role="dialog" attached.

The <details-dialog> differs from the Primer::Alpha::Dialog in 3 different ways:

  1. The trigger uses the summary element.
  2. The dialog's body (details-dialog) lives within the details element.
  3. The <details> wrapper contains both the trigger button (summary) and the dialog itself (details-dialog).

For example, here's how details-dialog might be used:

<summary>Open dialog</summary>
Modal content
<button type="button" data-close-dialog>Close</button>

Here's an example on how Primer::Alpha::Dialog might be used:

render( 'Dialog Title', subtitle: 'Optional subtitle', size: :large)) do |d|
d.with_show_button { "Open dialog" }
d.with_body { "Modal content" }

Both Primer::Alpha::Dialog and <details-dialog> will render similar dialogs, albeit with a few key differences:

  • Styling
  • Functionality and semantics

Styling differences

<details-dialog> and Primer::Alpha::Dialog will have some minor style differences, such as with padding and margins that are applied by default. Please utilize these updated styles and refrain from overriding styles to make it appear like the previous design. For custom class usage, we may apply those classes onto Primer::Alpha::Dialog through any of the available slots, but prefer usage of system_arguments instead, if applicable.

Functionality and semantic differences

details-dialog is rendered as a details/summary pair. This means that <details-dialog> relies on the native semantics of the details/summary pairing, with the summary element acting as the trigger, and the details element acting as the container for both the trigger and the dialog.

details-dialog does not require an accessible name to be added to the dialog, whereas Primer::Alpha::Dialog will require a name to be added via the title argument which is referenced as the accessible name of the dialog. The Primer::Alpha::Dialog component also provides a close button by default, unlike in details-dialog where the developer must add one themselves.

Converting a dialog

Here's how a details-dialog might appear:

<details class="float-right" id="confirm-submit">
<%= render :summary, scheme: :danger) do %> Continue with step <% end %>
<details-dialog class="anim-fade-in fast Box Box--overlay d-flex flex-column">
<div class="Box-header">
<button class="Box-btn-octicon btn-octicon float-right" type="button" aria-label="Close Dialog" data-close-dialog>
<%= primer_octicon(:x) %>
<h3 class="Box-title">Do you want to continue with this action?</h3>
<%= render( :danger, full: true, icon: "alert")) do %>
Please follow all steps listed below.
<% end %>
<div class="Box-body overflow-auto">
<ul class="mb-3 ml-3">
<li>Step 1: Do action</li>
<li>Step 2: Do second action</li>
<li>Step 3: Do third action</li>
<%= render true, scheme: :danger, "data-close-dialog": "", "data-toggle-for": "continue-action") do %>
I understand, continue
<% end %>

If we wanted to convert the details-dialog above to use Primer::Alpha::Dialog, we can do the following:

<%= render( "Do you want to continue with this action?")) do |d| %>
<% d.with_show_button(color: :danger) { 'Continue with action' } %>
<% d.with_body(p: 0) do %>
<%= render( :danger, full: true, icon: "alert", mt: 1)) do %>
Please follow all steps listed below.
<% end %>
<div class="Box-body overflow-auto">
<ul class="mb-3 ml-3">
<li>Step 1: Do action</li>
<li>Step 2: Do second action</li>
<li>Step 3: Do third action</li>
<%= render true, scheme: :danger, "data-close-dialog": "", "data-toggle-for": "continue-action") do %>
I understand, continue
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

In the example above, both the title and close button will be rendered by the Primer component. For the button that triggers the dialog, the show_button slot can be used and supplied with text to render the button. As mentioned earlier, Primer allows usage of system_arguments to further customize styles on a component.

How can I handle <include-fragment> in Primer::Alpha::Dialog?

We can add the <include-fragment> inside of the dialog body:

<% d.with_body do %>
<include-fragment src="/issues">
<%= render( 6, display: :block)) %>
<% end %>

There may be slight differences with how include-fragment loads, so it's important to take extra caution when using.

Some details-dialogs will include a <include-fragment> element without src being directly applied onto the element. This is usually due to the src being applied elsewhere, such as on the details-dialog element itself.

For example the following code example:

<details-dialog src="/robots" preload>

Could be migrated to Primer::Alpha::Dialog in the code example below:

<%= render( "Robots", visually_hide_title: true)) do |d| %>
<% d.with_show_button { 'Robots' } %>
<% d.with_body do %>
<include-fragment src="/robots">
<% end %>
<% end %>

There may be some additional options, such as if deferring loading of the include-fragment by using the loading="lazy". Additional options available can be found within the documentation for include-fragment.

Please see the following for complete descriptions and examples.


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