TreeView is a hierarchical list of items that may have a parent-child relationship where children can be toggled into view by expanding or collapsing their parent item.
Page navigation navigation
readyReviewed for a11y
React examples
- Parent node
- Child node one
- Child node two
- Sibling node one
- Sibling node two
Nodes with leading visuals and trailing visuals
Leading and trailing visual guidelines
- src
- Avatar.tsx
- Button.tsx
- package.json
Nodes with leading actions
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Without indentation
- Parent node
- Child node one
- Child node two
- Sibling node one
- Sibling node two
Loading subtree - child node count known
When we know the number of loading child nodes, show "skeleton" nodes until the nodes finish loading. This reassures the user that their request is in progress and provides a minimal preview of what's loading.
- Parent node
- Loading 2 items
- Sibling node one
- Sibling node two
Loading subtree - child node count unknown
When we don't know the number of loading child nodes, show a generic loading indicator.
- Parent node
- Loading...
- Sibling node one
- Sibling node two
More code examples
The previous examples are a curated subset of the full capabilities of the TreeView
component. For more examples, see the TreeView Storybook stories.
Name | Required | Description |
aria-label | string | |
aria-labelledby | string | |
className | string Class name(s) used to customize styles | |
flat | boolean Prevents the tree from indenting items. This should only be used when the tree is used to display a flat list of items. | |
truncate | boolean Whether to truncate node text | |
children | Required | React.ReactNode |
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | React.ReactNode |
id | Required | string A unique identifier for the item. |
aria-label | string | |
aria-labelledby | string | |
className | string Class name(s) used to customize styles | |
current | boolean Indicates whether the item is the current item. No more than one item should be current at once. The path to the current item will be expanded by default. | |
defaultExpanded | boolean The expanded state of the item when it is initially rendered. Use when you do not need to control the state. | |
expanded | boolean The controlled expanded state of item. Must be used in conjunction with onExpandedChange. | |
containIntrinsicSize | string The size of this item's contents. Passing this will set 'content-visiblity: auto' on the content container, delaying rendering until the item is in the viewport. | |
onExpandedChange | (expanded: boolean) => void Event handler called when the expanded state of the item changes. | |
onSelect | (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => void | |
truncate | boolean Truncate the item's text content with an ellipsis. | |
ref | React.Ref<HTMLElement> |
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | | React.ReactNode
| (props: {isExpanded: boolean}) => React.ReactNode) |
label | string Provide an accessible label for the visual. This is not necessary for decorative visuals. |
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | | React.ReactNode
| (props: {isExpanded: boolean}) => React.ReactNode) |
label | string Provide an accessible label for the visual. This is not necessary for decorative visuals. |
Name | Required | Description |
Name | Required | Description |
children | React.ReactNode | |
state | | 'initial'
| 'loading'
| 'done'
| 'error' Specify a state if items in the subtree are loaded asynchronously. An asynchronous subtree can be in one of the following states: 'initial', 'loading', 'done', or 'error'. In the 'initial' state, items are neither loaded nor loading. In the 'loading' state, items are loading and the subtree will render a loading indicator. In the 'done' state, items are loaded. Screen readers will announce when a subtree enters the 'done' state. An 'error' state means that an error occured while loading items. | |
count | number The number of items expected to be in the subtree. When in the loading state, the subtree will render a skeleton loading placeholder with the specified count of items | |
aria-label | string An accessible name for the subtree. It is recommended that you provide a short version of the parent list item's name as the name of the subtree. |
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | React.ReactNode The content of the dialog. This is usually a message explaining the error. |
title | string The title of the dialog. This is usually a short description of the error. | |
onRetry | () => void Event handler called when the user clicks the retry button. | |
onDismiss | () => void Event handler called when the dialog is dismissed. |