Color palette

color system

Primer Presentations uses the same color system as GitHub. For presentations created on an Apple computer, the color system is available as a color palette file that can be imported for use with the macOS system-wide color picker. This is packaged together with the Keynote template download. Instructions on how to import the color palette are found below.

1. Download the Keynote template.
2. Open Keynote and the color picker with View > Show Colors (or Cmd+Shift+C). Click the gear icon and Open... to load the palette.The gear icon will show a context menu with the options of new, open, rename, and remove
3. Navigate to the downloaded folder and select the colors/github.clr file in this repository.GitHub color palettes are included in your Keynote download.
4. Colors are installed! You can now use the Primer color palette within Keynote.screenshot of the apple color picker with the primer color palette installed