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Popover is used to bring attention to specific user interface elements.


The popover component is used to deliver context-specific information and functionality. It’s a small dialog to bring attention to specific user interface elements. It can provide additional information, options, or actions related to a specific element or task. Popovers can be helpful for flows that require light onboarding or instruction.

Popovers may contain text, links, and buttons.

Popover supports various caret positions, which you can specify, though the default is top. Note that the top-left, bottom-left, top-right, and bottom-right values modify the horizontal alignment of the popover.

A popover component example

Best practices

Use sparingly to avoid cognitive overload. Though they can be used for a variety of things, they should be used sparingly to avoid cognitive overload. It's important to consider the context in which the popover appears. Are there other popovers on the page? Does it appear on page load, or require the user to open the popover?

Unlike other messaging components, popovers should never include critical information (such as errors) and should always include a dismiss action.

Accessibility and usability expectations

  • Popovers should be operable using the keyboard alone, without requiring the use of a mouse or other pointing device.

  • When a popover is opened, focus should be moved to the popover so that keyboard users can interact with it. When the popover is closed, focus should be returned to the element that triggered it. For more on this, see the accessibility guidelines on focus management.

Built-in accessibility features

Beyond generating a visual container, the component has no built-in accessibility features.

Implementation requirements

As Popover currently lacks an explicit role, make sure to add an explicit role="complementary" – this will identify the component as a content that is "tangentially" related to its surroundings (the equivalent of an <aside> element).

When using the component, make sure that the component follows the element that it relates to. This will ensure that the content of the Popover will be read/announced by screen readers immediately after its related element. It will also ensure that any focusable elements inside the Popover will logically follow the related element.

Make sure that there is a clear way for a user to dismiss the Popover – for instance, if the component is used to provide additional information, include a button (such as a "Got it" control) that dismisses the Popover. When the component is closed, move focus back to the element that the Popover related to. See the accessibility guidelines on focus management.

How to test the component

Integration tests

  • The Popover follows its related element in the underlying rendered document structure
  • If the Popover contains any focusable controls, these controls logically follow their related element in the overall focus order
  • The Popover has been given an appropriate role, such as role="complementary"
  • There is a way for users to close the Popover

Known accessibility issues (GitHub staff only)

View open accessibility issues related to this component