ActionList is a vertical list of interactive actions or options. It's composed of items presented in a consistent, single-column format, with room for icons, descriptions, side information, and other rich visuals.
Page navigation navigation
React examples
The simplest usage of an ActionList
Items with leading and trailing content
ActionList items can contain render non-interactive content, typically a visual such as an icon, before or after the item content.
Items with trailing actions
Similar to a trailing visual, except it triggers a secondary action when activated.
Items with dividers
Items with inline descriptions
Items with block descriptions
With a danger item
A variant used to highlight an action that requires extra attention from the user.
With an inactive item
Inactive items that are non-functional due to some system state such as an outage.
- Item one
With a loading item
With a disabled item
- Item one
- Item two
- Item three
- Item one
- Item two
- Item three
Grouping items with a heading
Grouping items with a divider
More code examples
The previous examples are a curated subset of the full capabilities of the ActionList
component. For more examples, see the ActionList Storybook stories.
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | ActionList.Item[] | ActionList.LinkItem[] | ActionList.Group[] |
variant | 'inset' | 'full' `inset` children are offset (vertically and horizontally) from list edges. `full` children are flush (vertically and horizontally) with list edges | |
selectionVariant | 'single' | 'multiple' Whether multiple items or a single item can be selected. | |
showDividers | boolean Display a divider above each `Item` in this `List` when it does not follow a `Header` or `Divider`. | |
role | AriaRole ARIA role describing the function of the list. `listbox` and `menu` are a common values. | |
sx | SystemStyleObject |
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | React.ReactNode | ActionList.LeadingVisual | ActionList.Description | ActionList.TrailingVisual Primary content for an Item |
variant | 'default' | 'danger' `danger` indicates that the item is destructive. | |
onSelect | (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLLIElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLLIElement>) => void Callback that is called when the item is selected using either the mouse or keyboard. `event.preventDefault()` will prevent a menu from closing when within an `<ActionMenu />`. This is not called for disabled or inactive items. | |
selected | boolean Indicate whether the item is selected. Only applies to items that can be selected. | |
active | boolean Indicate whether the item is active. There should never be more than one active item. | |
disabled | boolean Items that are disabled can not be clicked, selected, or navigated to. | |
inactiveText | string Text describing why the item is inactive. This may be used when an item's usual functionality is unavailable due to a system error such as a database outage.
If there is a leading visual, the alert icon will replace the leading visual.
If there is a trailing visual, it will replace the trailing visual.
If there is no visual passed, it will be shown in the trailing visual slot to preserve left alignment of item content.
Text will appear in a tooltip triggered by the alert icon in ActionList items, but text will appear below the description or title on ActionMenu items. | |
loading | boolean Whether the item is loading. | |
role | AriaRole ARIA role describing the function of the item. `option` is a common value. | |
id | string id to attach to the root element of the Item | |
sx | SystemStyleObject |
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | React.ReactNode Use to give a heading to list |
as | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 The level of the heading | |
visuallyHidden | boolean | |
sx | SystemStyleObject |
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | React.ReactNode | ActionList.LeadingVisual | ActionList.Description | ActionList.TrailingVisual |
active | boolean Indicate whether the item is active. There should never be more than one active item. | |
ref | React.RefObject<HTMLAnchorElement> | |
as | React.ElementType | |
inactiveText | string Text describing why the item is inactive. This may be used when an item's usual functionality
is unavailable due to a system error such as a database outage. | |
sx | SystemStyleObject |
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | React.ReactNode Icon (or similar) positioned before item text. |
sx | SystemStyleObject |
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | React.ReactNode Visual positioned after item text. |
sx | SystemStyleObject |
Name | Required | Description |
as | a | button HTML element to render as. | |
label | Required | string Acccessible name for the control. |
icon | Required | string Octicon to pass into IconButton. When this is not set, TrailingAction renders as a `Button` instead of an `IconButton`. |
href | string href when the TrailingAction is rendered as a link. |
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | React.ReactNode |
variant | 'inline' | 'block' `inline` descriptions are positioned beside primary text. `block` descriptions are positioned below primary text. | |
sx | SystemStyleObject | |
className | string | undefined CSS string | |
truncate | boolean Whether the inline description should truncate the text on overflow. |
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | React.ReactNode Use to give a heading to the groups |
variant | 'filled' | 'subtle' `filled` style has a background color and top and bottom borders. Subtle style has no background or borders. | |
auxiliaryText | string Secondary text which provides additional information about a `Group`. | |
visuallyHidden | boolean | |
as | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 The level of the heading and it is only required (enforce by runtime warning) for lists. (i.e. not required for ActionMenu or listbox roles) | |
sx | SystemStyleObject |
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | ActionList.Item[] | ActionList.LinkItem[] |
title Deprecated | string Please use `ActionList.GroupHeading` instead. | |
auxiliaryText | string Secondary text that provides additional information about the group. | |
variant | 'filled' | 'subtle' `inline` descriptions are positioned beside primary text. `block` descriptions are positioned below primary text. | |
selectionVariant | 'single' | 'multiple' | false Set `selectionVariant` at the group level. | |
role | AriaRole ARIA role describing the function of the list inside the group. `listbox` and `menu` are a common values. | |
sx | SystemStyleObject |
Name | Required | Description |
sx | SystemStyleObject |