IconButton is used for buttons that show an icon in place of a text label.
Page navigation navigation
readyNot reviewed for a11y
readyNot reviewed for a11y
React examples
Style variants
The IconButton component ships with different variants that visually reinforce hierarchy or intent. This example just shows the 'primary'
Size variants
IconButtons can be rendered in different sizes. This example shows the 'small'
size variant.
May be activated by a keyboard shortcut
Button loading state Loading pattern guidelines
Button inactive state guidelines Degraded experiences pattern guidelines
More code examples
The previous examples are a curated subset of the full capabilities of the IconButton
component. For more examples, see the IconButton Storybook stories.
Name | Required | Description |
children | Required | React.ReactNode This will be the Button description. |
variant | 'default' | 'primary' | 'danger' | 'invisible' | 'link' Changes the look and feel of the button which is different for each variant | |
size | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' Changes the size of the icon button component | |
inactive | boolean Whether the button looks visually disabled, but can still accept all the same interactions as an enabled button. | |
icon | Component provide an octicon. It will be placed in the center of the button | |
aria-label | string Use an aria label to describe the functionality of the button. Please refer to [our guidance on alt text](https://primer.style/guides/accessibility/alternative-text-for-images) for tips on writing good alternative text. | |
keyshortcuts Deprecated | string Use `keybindingHint` instead. | |
keybindingHint | string Optional keybinding hint to show in the tooltip for this button. See the `KeybindingHint` component documentation for the correct format for this string. Has no effect if tooltip is overridden or disabled. Does **not** bind any keybindings for this button - this is only for visual hints. | |
tooltipDirection | 'n' | 'ne' | 'e' | 'se' | 's' | 'sw' | 'w' | 'nw' The direction of the tooltip. | |
description | string If `description` is provided, we will use a Tooltip to describe the button. Then `aria-label` is used to label the button. | |
sx | SystemStyleObject |