Pagination is a horizontal set of links to navigate paginated content.
Page navigation navigation

- Previous page link: Always links to the page before the current page.
- Next page link: Always links to the page after the current page.
- Page numbers: Lets users skip to whatever page the number represents.
- Current page: The page the user is on right now.
- Truncation indicator: A visual hint that a chunk of page links are skipped.
Best practices
- Every page should have a URL.
- Paginate content that would be easier to browse when it is segmented.
- Place Pagination at the end of the page content.
- If the content is only long enough for a single page, don't render Pagination.
- Don't show too many or too few items per page.
- Too many items per page could be overwhelming.
- Too few items per page could be frustrating to browse.