The SelectPanel is an anchored dialog that allows users to quickly navigate and select one or multiple items from a list. It includes a text input for filtering, supports item grouping, and offers a footer for additional actions. Changes are applied upon closing the panel.
Page navigation navigation
React examples
import React from 'react' import {Button, FormControl, SelectPanel} from '@primer/react' import {TriangleDownIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react' import {type ActionListItemInput} from '@primer/react/deprecated' const items: ActionListItemInput[] = [ {text: 'Choice one'}, {text: 'Choice two'}, {text: 'Choice three'}, {text: 'Choice four'}, {text: 'Choice five'}, ] export default function SingleSelect() { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<ActionListItemInput | undefined>(items[0]) const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState('') const filteredItems = items.filter( item => item.text === selected?.text || item.text?.toLowerCase().startsWith(filter.toLowerCase()), ) // design guidelines say to sort selected items first const selectedItemsSortedFirst = filteredItems.sort((a, b) => { if (a.text === selected?.text) return -1 if (b.text === selected?.text) return 1 return 0 }) const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false) return ( <FormControl> <FormControl.Label>Choice</FormControl.Label> <SelectPanel renderAnchor={({children, ...anchorProps}) => ( <Button {...anchorProps} trailingAction={TriangleDownIcon} aria-haspopup="dialog"> {children} </Button> )} placeholder="Pick one choice" open={open} onOpenChange={setOpen} items={selectedItemsSortedFirst} selected={selected} onSelectedChange={setSelected} onFilterChange={setFilter} /> </FormControl> ) }
When users search for new items, maintain their current selections and use a minimal loading state to indicate ongoing activity.
import React from 'react' import {Button, FormControl, SelectPanel} from '@primer/react' import {TriangleDownIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react' import {type ActionListItemInput} from '@primer/react/deprecated' const items: ActionListItemInput[] = [ {text: 'Choice one'}, {text: 'Choice two'}, {text: 'Choice three'}, {text: 'Choice four'}, {text: 'Choice five'}, ] export default function MultiSelect() { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<ActionListItemInput[]>(items.slice(1, 3)) const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState('') const filteredItems = items.filter( item => // design guidelines say to always show selected items in the list selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === item.text) || // then filter the rest item.text?.toLowerCase().startsWith(filter.toLowerCase()), ) // design guidelines say to sort selected items first const selectedItemsSortedFirst = filteredItems.sort((a, b) => { const aIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === a.text) const bIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === b.text) if (aIsSelected && !bIsSelected) return -1 if (!aIsSelected && bIsSelected) return 1 return 0 }) const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false) return ( <FormControl> <FormControl.Label>Choices</FormControl.Label> <SelectPanel renderAnchor={({children, ...anchorProps}) => ( <Button {...anchorProps} trailingAction={TriangleDownIcon} aria-haspopup="dialog"> {children} </Button> )} placeholder="Pick choices" open={open} onOpenChange={setOpen} items={selectedItemsSortedFirst} selected={selected} onSelectedChange={setSelected} onFilterChange={setFilter} /> </FormControl> ) }
Grouped items
Items can be grouped to provide additional context or to visually separate them. Each group can have a title for better organization.
import React from 'react' import {Button, FormControl, SelectPanel} from '@primer/react' import {TriangleDownIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react' import {type ActionListGroupedListProps, type ActionListItemInput} from '@primer/react/deprecated' const items: ActionListItemInput[] = [ {groupId: '0', text: 'Choice one'}, {groupId: '0', text: 'Choice two'}, {groupId: '0', text: 'Choice three'}, {groupId: '1', text: 'Listing one'}, {groupId: '1', text: 'Listing two'}, {groupId: '1', text: 'Listing three'}, {groupId: '2', text: 'Item one'}, {groupId: '2', text: 'Item two'}, {groupId: '2', text: 'Item three'}, ] const groupMetadata: ActionListGroupedListProps['groupMetadata'] = [ {groupId: '0', header: {title: 'Choices', variant: 'filled'}}, {groupId: '1', header: {title: 'Listings', variant: 'filled'}}, {groupId: '2', header: {title: 'Items', variant: 'filled'}}, ] export default function Groups() { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<ActionListItemInput[]>([items[2], items[5], items[8]]) const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState('') const filteredItems = items.filter( item => // design guidelines say to always show selected item in the list selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === item.text) || // then filter the rest item.text?.toLowerCase().startsWith(filter.toLowerCase()), ) // design guidelines say to sort selected items first const selectedItemsSortedFirst = filteredItems.sort((a, b) => { if (a.groupId === b.groupId) { const aIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === a.text) const bIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === b.text) if (aIsSelected && !bIsSelected) return -1 if (!aIsSelected && bIsSelected) return 1 } return 0 }) const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false) return ( <FormControl> <FormControl.Label>Selections</FormControl.Label> <SelectPanel groupMetadata={groupMetadata} renderAnchor={({children, ...anchorProps}) => ( <Button {...anchorProps} trailingAction={TriangleDownIcon} aria-haspopup="dialog"> {children} </Button> )} placeholder="Pick stuff" open={open} onOpenChange={setOpen} items={selectedItemsSortedFirst} selected={selected} onSelectedChange={setSelected} onFilterChange={setFilter} /> </FormControl> ) }
Items with leading visuals
import React from 'react' import {Avatar, Button, FormControl, SelectPanel} from '@primer/react' import {TriangleDownIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react' import {type ActionListItemInput} from '@primer/react/deprecated' ;<Avatar alt="Atom logo" src="" /> const items: ActionListItemInput[] = [ { leadingVisual: () => <Avatar alt="GitHub logo" size={16} src="" />, text: 'GitHub', }, { leadingVisual: () => <Avatar alt="Primer logo" size={16} src="" />, text: 'Primer', }, { leadingVisual: () => <Avatar alt="Atom logo" size={16} src="" />, text: 'Atom', }, ] export default function LeadingVisual() { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<ActionListItemInput[]>(items.slice(1, 3)) const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState('') const filteredItems = items.filter( item => // design guidelines say to always show selected items in the list selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === item.text) || // then filter the rest item.text?.toLowerCase().startsWith(filter.toLowerCase()), ) // design guidelines say to sort selected items first const selectedItemsSortedFirst = filteredItems.sort((a, b) => { const aIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === a.text) const bIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === b.text) if (aIsSelected && !bIsSelected) return -1 if (!aIsSelected && bIsSelected) return 1 return 0 }) const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false) return ( <FormControl> <FormControl.Label>Software</FormControl.Label> <SelectPanel renderAnchor={({children, ...anchorProps}) => ( <Button {...anchorProps} trailingAction={TriangleDownIcon} aria-haspopup="dialog"> {children} </Button> )} placeholder="Pick software" open={open} onOpenChange={setOpen} items={selectedItemsSortedFirst} selected={selected} onSelectedChange={setSelected} onFilterChange={setFilter} /> </FormControl> ) }
Items with dividers
import React from 'react' import {Button, FormControl, SelectPanel} from '@primer/react' import {TriangleDownIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react' import {type ActionListItemInput} from '@primer/react/deprecated' const items: ActionListItemInput[] = [ {text: 'Choice one'}, {text: 'Choice two'}, {text: 'Choice three'}, {text: 'Choice four'}, {text: 'Choice five'}, ] export default function Dividers() { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<ActionListItemInput[]>(items.slice(1, 3)) const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState('') const filteredItems = items.filter( item => // design guidelines say to always show selected items in the list selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === item.text) || // then filter the rest item.text?.toLowerCase().startsWith(filter.toLowerCase()), ) // design guidelines say to sort selected items first const selectedItemsSortedFirst = filteredItems.sort((a, b) => { const aIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === a.text) const bIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === b.text) if (aIsSelected && !bIsSelected) return -1 if (!aIsSelected && bIsSelected) return 1 return 0 }) const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false) return ( <FormControl> <FormControl.Label>Choices</FormControl.Label> <SelectPanel showItemDividers renderAnchor={({children, ...anchorProps}) => ( <Button {...anchorProps} trailingAction={TriangleDownIcon} aria-haspopup="dialog"> {children} </Button> )} placeholder="Pick choices" open={open} onOpenChange={setOpen} items={selectedItemsSortedFirst} selected={selected} onSelectedChange={setSelected} onFilterChange={setFilter} /> </FormControl> ) }
With header
import React from 'react' import {Button, FormControl, SelectPanel} from '@primer/react' import {TriangleDownIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react' import {type ActionListItemInput} from '@primer/react/deprecated' const items: ActionListItemInput[] = [ {text: 'Choice one'}, {text: 'Choice two'}, {text: 'Choice three'}, {text: 'Choice four'}, {text: 'Choice five'}, ] export default function Header() { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<ActionListItemInput[]>(items.slice(1, 3)) const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState('') const filteredItems = items.filter( item => // design guidelines say to always show selected items in the list selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === item.text) || // then filter the rest item.text?.toLowerCase().startsWith(filter.toLowerCase()), ) // design guidelines say to sort selected items first const selectedItemsSortedFirst = filteredItems.sort((a, b) => { const aIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === a.text) const bIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === b.text) if (aIsSelected && !bIsSelected) return -1 if (!aIsSelected && bIsSelected) return 1 return 0 }) const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false) return ( <FormControl> <FormControl.Label>Choices</FormControl.Label> <SelectPanel title="Choice list" subtitle="Pick as many choices as you want." renderAnchor={({children, ...anchorProps}) => ( <Button {...anchorProps} trailingAction={TriangleDownIcon} aria-haspopup="dialog"> {children} </Button> )} placeholder="Pick choices" open={open} onOpenChange={setOpen} items={selectedItemsSortedFirst} selected={selected} onSelectedChange={setSelected} onFilterChange={setFilter} /> </FormControl> ) }
With a footer
An optional footer at the bottom can include a link or button for additional actions.
import React from 'react' import {Button, FormControl, SelectPanel} from '@primer/react' import {TriangleDownIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react' import {type ActionListItemInput} from '@primer/react/deprecated' const items: ActionListItemInput[] = [ {text: 'Choice one'}, {text: 'Choice two'}, {text: 'Choice three'}, {text: 'Choice four'}, {text: 'Choice five'}, ] export default function Footer() { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<ActionListItemInput[]>(items.slice(1, 3)) const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState('') const filteredItems = items.filter( item => // design guidelines say to always show selected items in the list selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === item.text) || // then filter the rest item.text?.toLowerCase().startsWith(filter.toLowerCase()), ) // design guidelines say to sort selected items first const selectedItemsSortedFirst = filteredItems.sort((a, b) => { const aIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === a.text) const bIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === b.text) if (aIsSelected && !bIsSelected) return -1 if (!aIsSelected && bIsSelected) return 1 return 0 }) const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false) return ( <FormControl> <FormControl.Label>Choices</FormControl.Label> <SelectPanel renderAnchor={({children, ...anchorProps}) => ( <Button {...anchorProps} trailingAction={TriangleDownIcon} aria-haspopup="dialog"> {children} </Button> )} placeholder="Pick choices" open={open} onOpenChange={setOpen} items={selectedItemsSortedFirst} selected={selected} onSelectedChange={setSelected} onFilterChange={setFilter} footer={ <Button size="small" block onClick={() => alert('fake edit mode toggle')}> Edit choices </Button> } /> </FormControl> ) }
Provide visual cues to users when processes may take longer than expected. Use loading states to communicate results are loading. Use when retrieving initial data to prevent users from seeing an empty list.
import React from 'react' import {Button, SelectPanel} from '@primer/react' import {TriangleDownIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react' import {type ActionListItemInput} from '@primer/react/deprecated' const items: ActionListItemInput[] = [ {text: 'Choice one'}, {text: 'Choice two'}, {text: 'Choice three'}, {text: 'Choice four'}, {text: 'Choice five'}, ] export default function Loading() { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<ActionListItemInput | undefined>(items[0]) const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState('') const filteredItems = items.filter( item => item.text === selected?.text || item.text?.toLowerCase().startsWith(filter.toLowerCase()), ) // design guidelines say to sort selected items first const selectedItemsSortedFirst = filteredItems.sort((a, b) => { if (a.text === selected?.text) return -1 if (b.text === selected?.text) return 1 return 0 }) const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false) return ( <SelectPanel loading={true} title="Select labels" subtitle="Use labels to organize issues and pull requests" renderAnchor={({children, 'aria-labelledby': ariaLabelledBy, ...anchorProps}) => ( <Button trailingAction={TriangleDownIcon} aria-labelledby={` ${ariaLabelledBy}`} {...anchorProps} aria-haspopup="dialog" > {children ?? 'Select Labels'} </Button> )} placeholderText="Filter labels" open={open} onOpenChange={setOpen} items={selectedItemsSortedFirst} selected={selected} onSelectedChange={setSelected} onFilterChange={setFilter} /> ) }
Other label options
If the button represents the current selection, it must have an associated label, either internally (within the button) or externally (adjacent to the button).
Visually hidden label
import React from 'react' import {Button, FormControl, SelectPanel} from '@primer/react' import {TriangleDownIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react' import {type ActionListItemInput} from '@primer/react/deprecated' const items: ActionListItemInput[] = [ {text: 'Choice one'}, {text: 'Choice two'}, {text: 'Choice three'}, {text: 'Choice four'}, {text: 'Choice five'}, ] export default function LabelHidden() { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<ActionListItemInput[]>(items.slice(1, 3)) const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState('') const filteredItems = items.filter( item => // design guidelines say to always show selected items in the list selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === item.text) || // then filter the rest item.text?.toLowerCase().startsWith(filter.toLowerCase()), ) // design guidelines say to sort selected items first const selectedItemsSortedFirst = filteredItems.sort((a, b) => { const aIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === a.text) const bIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === b.text) if (aIsSelected && !bIsSelected) return -1 if (!aIsSelected && bIsSelected) return 1 return 0 }) const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false) return ( <FormControl> <FormControl.Label visuallyHidden>Choices</FormControl.Label> <SelectPanel renderAnchor={({children, ...anchorProps}) => ( <Button {...anchorProps} trailingAction={TriangleDownIcon} aria-haspopup="dialog"> {children} </Button> )} placeholder="Pick choices" open={open} onOpenChange={setOpen} items={selectedItemsSortedFirst} selected={selected} onSelectedChange={setSelected} onFilterChange={setFilter} /> </FormControl> ) }
Internal label
import React from 'react' import {Box, Button, SelectPanel} from '@primer/react' import {TriangleDownIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react' import {type ActionListItemInput} from '@primer/react/deprecated' const items: ActionListItemInput[] = [ {text: 'Choice one'}, {text: 'Choice two'}, {text: 'Choice three'}, {text: 'Choice four'}, {text: 'Choice five'}, ] export default function LabelInternal() { const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<ActionListItemInput[]>(items.slice(1, 3)) const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState('') const filteredItems = items.filter( item => // design guidelines say to always show selected items in the list selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === item.text) || // then filter the rest item.text?.toLowerCase().startsWith(filter.toLowerCase()), ) // design guidelines say to sort selected items first const selectedItemsSortedFirst = filteredItems.sort((a, b) => { const aIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === a.text) const bIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === b.text) if (aIsSelected && !bIsSelected) return -1 if (!aIsSelected && bIsSelected) return 1 return 0 }) const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false) return ( <SelectPanel renderAnchor={({children, ...anchorProps}) => ( <Button {...anchorProps} trailingAction={TriangleDownIcon} aria-haspopup="dialog"> <Box sx={{ color: 'var(--fgColor-muted)', display: 'inline-block', }} > Choices: </Box>{' '} {children || 'None selected'} </Button> )} placeholder="Pick choices" open={open} onOpenChange={setOpen} items={selectedItemsSortedFirst} selected={selected} onSelectedChange={setSelected} onFilterChange={setFilter} /> ) }
Custom (external) anchor
To use an external anchor, pass an anchorRef
to SelectPanel
. You will also need to manually toggle the open
prop when activating the custom anchor.
import React from 'react' import {Button, FormControl, SelectPanel} from '@primer/react' import {TriangleDownIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react' import {type ActionListItemInput} from '@primer/react/deprecated' const items: ActionListItemInput[] = [ {text: 'Choice one'}, {text: 'Choice two'}, {text: 'Choice three'}, {text: 'Choice four'}, {text: 'Choice five'}, ] export default function MultiSelect() { const buttonRef = React.useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(null) const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState<ActionListItemInput[]>(items.slice(1, 3)) const [filter, setFilter] = React.useState('') const filteredItems = items.filter( item => // design guidelines say to always show selected items in the list selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === item.text) || // then filter the rest item.text?.toLowerCase().startsWith(filter.toLowerCase()), ) // design guidelines say to sort selected items first const selectedItemsSortedFirst = filteredItems.sort((a, b) => { const aIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === a.text) const bIsSelected = selected.some(selectedItem => selectedItem.text === b.text) if (aIsSelected && !bIsSelected) return -1 if (!aIsSelected && bIsSelected) return 1 return 0 }) const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false) return ( <FormControl> <FormControl.Label>Choices</FormControl.Label> <Button trailingAction={TriangleDownIcon} ref={buttonRef} onClick={() => setOpen(!open)}> { => selectedItem.text).join(', ') || 'Pick choices'} </Button> <SelectPanel anchorRef={buttonRef} renderAnchor={null} open={open} onOpenChange={setOpen} items={selectedItemsSortedFirst} selected={selected} onSelectedChange={setSelected} onFilterChange={setFilter} /> </FormControl> ) }
Name | Required | Description |
items | Required | ItemInput[] A collection of `Item` props and `Item`-level custom `Item` renderers. |
title | string | React.ReactElement A descriptive title for the panel | |
subtitle | string | React.ReactElement When provided, a subtitle is displayed below the title | |
onOpenChange | Required | ( open: boolean, gesture: | 'anchor-click' | 'anchor-key-press' | 'click-outside' | 'escape' | 'selection' ) => void |
placeholder | string Text used in anchor when there are no selected items | |
placeholderText | string Text used as placeholder for search input | |
inputLabel | string The aria-label for the filter input | |
aria-label | string aria-label to attach to the base DOM node of the list | |
filterValue | string The current value of the search input | |
selected | Required | ItemInput | ItemInput[] | undefined Specify the selected item(s) |
open | Required | boolean Determines whether the overlay portion of the component should be shown or not |
anchorId | string An override to the internal id that will be spread on to the renderAnchor | |
anchorRef | RefObject<HTMLElement> An override to the internal renderAnchor ref that will be used to position the overlay.
When renderAnchor is null this can be used to make an anchor that is detached from ActionMenu.
An override to the internal ref that will be spread on to the renderAnchor | |
onSelectedChange | Required | (selected: ItemInput | ItemInput[]) => void Provide a callback called when the selected item(s) change |
onFilterChange | (value: string, e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void Callback when the search input changes | |
overlayProps | Partial<OverlayProps> See [Overlay props](/react/Overlay#props). | |
textInputProps | Partial<Omit<TextInputProps, 'onChange'>> See [TextInput props](/react/TextInput#props). | |
footer | string | React.ReactElement Footer rendered at the end of the panel |