Textarea is used to set a value that is multiple lines of text.
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Label (required): The input's title. It should be as concise as possible and convey the purpose of the input. The label may be visually hidden in rare cases, but a label must be defined for assistive technologies such as a screen reader.
Required indicator: Indicates that a value is required. Must be shown for any required field, even if all fields in the form are required.
Input (required): Accepts user free-form text input
Caption: Provides additional context about the field to help users fill in the correct data or explain how the data will be used. Caption text should be as short as possible. Caption text may be displayed at the same time as a validation message, or it may be hidden if it only provides redundant information.
Validation message: A single validation message may be displayed to provide helpful information for a user to complete their task. It is most commonly used to explain why a value is invalid so they can correct it and submit the form.