ToggleSwitch is used to immediately toggle a setting on or off.
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- Track: Clickable area the knob moves within. Changes color to show on/off state.
- Knob: Moves to show on/off state.
- Status: Label showing on/off state.
Label and caption
Each ToggleSwitch needs a concise label describing the action (e.g., "Discussions" or "Automatically watch repositories"). Avoid state-descriptive labels.
Optionally, you may include a caption about the setting that is being turned on or off.

By default, lay out a ToggleSwitch horizontally justified with its label and optional description.
You may use a vertical layout when a ToggleSwitch is layed out inline with other content, or if a horizontal layout would put the switch too far from its label. If the vertical layout is left-aligned, the "on"/"off" text may be moved to the right of the switch.
Progressive disclosure
The progressive disclosure pattern may be used to hide or show content based on whether a ToggleSwitch is on. Content revealed on ToggleSwitch activation should always come after the ToggleSwitch.

Mixed values
Avoid using a ToggleSwitch for mixed values. For groups with configurable options, use a button to toggle the section, remembering individual states.

ToggleSwitch vs checkbox
ToggleSwitches act as instant-save controls for boolean settings, while checkboxes are for selections requiring explicit save actions.
A ToggleSwitch should never be used as a replacement for a checkbox. See saving patterns for more details.