The UnderlineNav is used to display navigation in a horizontal tabbed format.
Page navigation navigation
The UnderlineNav provides navigation links to let users switch between 2 or more related views without leaving their current context.
If you want to use this pattern without any linked items, use the UnderlinePanels component.
React examples
Repository navigation
With counter badges
You may include a counter for relevant counts (e.g., open issues) and load them simultaneously to prevent layout shifts.
When loading multiple counters asynchronously, wait for all the data to be ready before displaying the counters, so you can avoid multiple layout shifts.
Repository navigation
With leading icons
Use consistent, meaningful icons to aid scannability. Either items in the navigation should have a leading icon or none of the items do.
Make sure that icons used are consistent across views, and that they are not repeated for different navigation items across the product.
Repository navigation
More code examples
The previous examples are a curated subset of the full capabilities (such as reponsive behavior) of the UnderlineNav
component. For more examples, see the UnderilneNav Storybook stories
Name | Required | Description |
aria-label | string A unique name for the rendered 'nav' landmark. It will also be used to label the arrow
buttons that control the scroll behaviour on coarse pointer devices. (I.e.
'Scroll ${aria-label} left/right')
| |
children | Required | UnderlineNav.Item[] |
loadingCounters | boolean Whether the navigation items are in loading state. Component waits for all the counters to finish loading to prevent multiple layout shifts. | |
sx | SystemStyleObject |
Name | Required | Description |
aria-current | | 'page' | 'step' | 'location' | 'date' | 'time' | true | false Set `aria-current` to `"page"` to indicate that the item represents the current page. Set `aria-current` to `"location"` to indicate that the item represents the current location on a page. For more information about `aria-current`, see [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Attributes/aria-current). | |
counter | number | string The number to display in the counter label. | |
href | string The URL that the item navigates to. `href` is passed to the underlying `<a>` element. If 'as' is specified, the component may need different props and 'href' is ignored. (Required prop for the react router is 'to' for example) | |
icon | Component The leading icon comes before item label | |
onSelect | (event) => void The handler that gets called when a nav link is selected. For example, a manual route binding can be done here(I.e. 'navigate(href)' for the react router.) | |
as | React.ElementType | |
sx | SystemStyleObject |